Sunday, August 1, 2010


I live in a quaint community deemed Delightful Dunedin. Visitors from all around claim that it is the model city of the south. From the brick paved roads of the old neighborhoods to the magnificent views from America’s 2008 best beach, Caladesi Island, it is as if I live in paradise. Residents in Dunedin are friendly, the community center is constantly buzzing, and the teamwork that is fostered in this town allows residents to truly be involved in shaping the community.

This teamwork was particularly evident in the wake of the oil disaster that affected Florida coasts this summer. Fortunately, Dunedin has been lucky so far and has evaded an oily shoreline, but in fear of what may soon happen, Dunedin residents have banned together to save what they can of their unique beach community. My friends in the area immediately volunteered to help gather debris on the beaches to lessen the amount of hazardous waste, families joined hands on Honeymoon Island in support of our beaches, and restaurant goers frequented fish eateries whose owners feared they would lose their businesses.

This teamwork comes from a bond Dunedin residents share – a love of Florida beaches. It will be our job as CAs this year to foster teamwork with the RAs and with our residents. It is my hope that we will all be able to take from each RA’s and resident’s past experiences and build bonds between them and foster involvement and a special pride for each community we serve.
