Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life-Long Learning

A while ago, someone wrote (and I'm sorry I'm a bit too lazy to look it up right now), that their mission this year was to explore parts of Pittsburgh unseen. To "jog somewhere besides the Cathedral of Learning."

Well, Sunday, a friend and I set out to do just that. We went to Edgewood and Frick Park. And, the Frick Museum. Now, I'm going to steal a bit from my own blog about the experience:

...we headed to the Frick Museum with pretty low expectations. Maybe it was because I'd only ever heard it called the "Carriage and Automobile Museum."

Thanks to an iPhone, we made it to the correct spot, and walked into a giant, stone... museum. The Frick really can't be explained any other way.

We were immediately greeted and talked through the grounds. The Frick has an art museum (which we were in), a car and carriage museum, a giftshop that used to be the Frick's playhouse, a greenhouse, and "Clayton" (the mansion of Henry Clay Frick).

Here's a mini history lesson: Frick saw that baked coal made coke, useful for steel. Carnegie saw the Frick had a lot of these coal-baking ovens. They became partners. Sometime later there were riots. Carnegie went back home to Scotland. Frick had to deal with it and used violent measures. Frick then hated Carnegie; Carnegie then hates Frick. Carnegie won't let Frick into his gentlemen's club. Frick builds his own building with a club on the 20th floor (it's called the Frick Building, on Grant between Forbes and Fifth... It's where I'm working this summer!) They get old. Carnegie writes to Frick: I'm sorry, we're old, let's forget about this. Frick writes back: I'll see you in hell. The end.

So, learned a little something? I only learned part of that during our tour of Clayton (just the coal-to-coke business). The rest my mentor told me at Carnegie Learning, where my internship is this summer.

Well, during our four-hour stay on the grounds of the Frick, I learned more little tidbits that I knew what to do with. The evolution of the word "sublime" (from "fearsome" to "awe-inspiring" to "awesome")? Check. The fact that Victorians would never take naps in their beds? Check. Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt were cousins, and pronounced their last names differently (Rooo-sevelt and Rose-evelt)? Check. The first drive-in gas station? On Baum Boulevard (in Pittsburgh). The bicycle being a big break for woman's independence? Check.

Every single person we encountered that day wanted to share something. They treasured their job, the history, and the stories. Even the two tour guides were swapping tales after the tour was finished.

Now I get to talk about that cliche, "life-long learning." I mean, even the theory of evolution will tell you that if we stop, we die. I'm reading a book called "The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature." Even those of you who dislike or don't believe in the idea of evolution can understand the metaphor of the Red Queen in "Alice in Wonderland." She must keep running just to keep up with the world; if she slows down, she falls behind.

As it is with learning. We've all met those people who have decided to get off the treadmill. Some refuse to get off. (My grandpa bought himself an Android for Christmas. While he doesn't know his own phone number, he can chose a place for dinner lickety-split.)

So the Frick Museum was a success. But that was Sunday! It's Tuesday now.

Today I volunteered to tend a gallery at the Mattress Factory, an installation art museum and catalyst for artists like Mark Garry (who was talking). While the tending of the gallery was a bit dull (only three people visited my floor), the whole event was smoothly run: an enjoyable evening, even for us volunteers.

Places like that just make me savor Pittsburgh all the more. Yes, rain is predicted this whole week. Yes, the humidity is a bit hit, as is the temperature. But, yes, Pittsburgh knows its art and history!

Helps a lot while I'm jogging along on that treadmill of learning.

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