Thursday, July 22, 2010

Quick mind jog

I am procrastinating on my dissertation now. So I have questions for you:

1) How do you describe your CA role to your friends?
2) How do you describe your CA role to your family?
3) How do you describe your CA role in the professional world?
4) How do you describe your CA role to your professors?
5) How do you describe your CA role to your residents?
6) How do you describe your CA role to your RAs?

Think about why there may be differences in the way that you talk about your CA role. How do those differences inform and impact that way that you assess and engage in role?

1 comment:

  1. I can respond easily to 1 and 3. I call myself a "head RA." However, they usually ask if I have a floor, which leads to the discussion about housing communities and my place in them.

    I've never explained to my RAs what a CA is... that would be a great conversation to have during training!

